Odoo ERP Can Do Magic In Event Management

Cybrosys Technologies
4 min readDec 14, 2020

Can anyone imagine the ease of hosting an event without any big headache? Being multi-functional software that meets the modern management requirements of the era, one can expect big opportunities for exploring the scope of e-platform for project management and implementation. From the planning process to the implementation level, ERP solution is there beside the entrepreneur or management team. In this modern era, mass events- including indoor or outdoor ones constitute a part of the emerging social life. Its proper management actually proves the efficiency of every manager or the management of a particular firm. It is this point that actually reiterates the significance of multi-functional Enterprise Resource Planning software.

Loaded with unique features

The biggest advantage is that it fits the requirement of all types of companies having small or big investments in the event management business. Even a small firm that has confined its operations within a city can think of experiencing the ERP solution for event management as it is sure to streamline the business to scale further heights. For the start-up ventures, this tool comes as an attractive option, where they can plan everything with farsightedness at the beginning itself.

Having software solutions in the field also equips the management teams with the full resources for greeting the requirements of any giant clients from the modern industry. Occasions to reject some of the proposals due to technical difficulties will be minimal if one firm is properly equipped with the right software tool for work. Accuracy and precision in event management make it the favorite choice of growing companies.

The shift from the conventional style

Also, the entry of this customized solution has given new life for the reorientation of a number of firms that had been operating the traditional way and exploring the manual support of their human resources. Many companies specialized in the sector have already embraced the charm of the new technology and started addressing their business requirements the e-way. Many are still in the process of adopting the new technology as most of them are really convinced of the modern-day requirements and the clients’ interest in connecting with their potential companies through modern technology.

All-in-one- solution

What an ERP offers to its clients is an all-in-one platform where the host of an event can easily think of a trouble-free conducting of online-conferences, webinars, festivals, classes, charity initiatives, and even exhibitions. In this era of the pandemic, the significance of such a well-equipped online platform is beyond any discussion. All the major companies, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers have just started their hunt for the right online platform to streamline their operations. And, it is the right time to think of the possibilities in improving your operations the e-way.

Thinking of an own platform other than depending on the commonly available software in the public domain is the first step to one’s desire for having a unique business empire. Such a platform will ensure better privacy of the business deals, the security of the company information, and effective management of the available resources. A one-step solution without any external interference or permission from a third party is the main attraction of having a unique product for one’s effective business operation.

Changing online management scenario

The need to shift to the new online platform for event management arises in view of the changing social scenario in which the prospective clients live. Gone are the days when the event managers depended on snail mails to reach out to the clients and narrate everything with the help of a bundle of papers. Most of the modern-day customers are technically competent enough to meet their requirements online. Naturally, they expect their prospective management teams to address their requirements exploring the e-way.

With the internet penetration is steadily on the increase even in underdeveloped countries, even start-up ventures in such countries are largely exploring the online tools expecting a big shift in the era to come. For the developed countries, the options are aplenty now, where the clients mostly prefer to connect with their prospective event hosts through the online platforms. The event hosts to respond in a similar way where the process may become a big task in the absence of a suitable software solution.

Easy event creation

Easy coordination or preparation of an event calendar is one of the highlights or merits of an ERP application. On a single page, one can just display the activities for the target audience, who will be able to make quick decisions or respond through the created hyperlink. If someone wants to submit their talks or presentation, the e-platform makes it easy through the exclusive management service. The automatic validation process, scheduling, and the presentation on time becomes easy with this management software.



Cybrosys Technologies

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